Hot and Sandy

Travel writing, pictures and stuff for people I know. Quite a lot of cycling talk, and some semi-controlled ranting. Hiking, outdoor and two-wheeled stuff, perhaps a little computing when it's worth talking about. Meandering thoughts.

Tuesday, July 10

Crazy weather!

Rain sun rain sun rain.  Driving me mad I tell you!  The other week, in a fit of positivity and a wave of proaction, I rode my bike to work.  

It's about 21 miles, so not exactly next door but not an offensive distance to do twice a day.  Getting there was fine, lovely comfy bike, nice roads etc.  Took a shade under an hour on my 42x15 fixie.  Nice.

The way home was a total nightmare - a howling (and I mean howling) headwind all the way, ripping across the fens.  It felt as though I was ridng uphill all the way, no joke.  I ended up grinding along at not-many mph.  Not a lot of fun.

Urgh, look at the time.  Have to finish correcting my thesis.  Lots to do and not a lot of time (by 31/07/07). 


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