Hot and Sandy

Travel writing, pictures and stuff for people I know. Quite a lot of cycling talk, and some semi-controlled ranting. Hiking, outdoor and two-wheeled stuff, perhaps a little computing when it's worth talking about. Meandering thoughts.

Thursday, August 16

So Much To Do!

I'm going to have to write more later, but the dog's going great- he's settled in perfectly, and as I sit and type he's lying under the desk sleeping on my feet!  So cute.  I've got a good YouTube vid of him up, too.  I'll post that later. 

I also wanted to have a little rant about broadband, telephones, eBay and bicycles.  In the meantime I have so much to do I'd better get on.  Oh, and CMWC '07 went off with some drama in Dublin.  Yar!


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